WW is a simple blog post featuring a photo which conveys a message that speaks for itself without using words. For all the rule breakers, of which I am one, please feel free to add all the words you want.

Make sure you leave a link to your post and I’ll visit your Wordless Wednesday post.  I wanted to put something up today that was different yet interesting!  Complicated yet simple!  Story popular, but no one knew it!!!  Gone, but not forgotten!  So, what's next they say!

Explain the difference between left & right!

 Try to describe what water tastes like!


Describe what language deaf people think in

Describe how long forever is

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  1. All great questions. You made me laugh out loud too.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday. Love you, Sister. ♥

  2. These made me laugh out loud too they were quite clever :-)

    Hope your OK Marie and are not doing anything I would like running around the kitchen whilst cooking some baked beans on toast it ges very messy yuk! 👍

    Have a beanstastic week and for linking up take care of yourself 👍

  3. These are all good questions. Another good question would be "how did camels ever get associated with Wednesdays?" Meanwhile, I can't get over that little boy in the Fall Festival gif. What an expression! Hoping you have a good rest of the week. Alana ramblinwitham

  4. These are all great questions! and the photos and gifs are hilarious! Hope you have a great week!


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