
Showing posts from September, 2023


      Wordless Wednesday is a visual blogosphere phenomenon. Wordless Wednesday is FINALLY here!  It's a simple blog post featuring photos which conveys a message that speaks for itself & sometimes without using words.  So, come & have some fun and join us in Wordless Wednesday!!!                                                                                                                 KISSY - KISSY!!! Have a GREAT DAY EVERYONE!!! Powered by Linky Tools Click here  to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list...

Monday's Music Moves Me!!!

                         Who are the Music Moves Me bloggers? They are bloggers who blog about music each Monday and if you have music to share, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only-meaning at least one music video, please!) First, there is Marie from XmasDolly. Her co-hosts are: Stacy from Stacy Uncorked, Cathy from Curious as a Cathy, Alana from Ramblin’ with AM, and introducing once again SANDEE from COMEDY PLUS!  WELCOME! We’d love more music lovers to join us & it’s easy too!  All you have to do is add your link with a music post that contains at least one music video (must be a music video), and that’s it! Each month, except December that's reserved for Santa.   All you have to do is add your link with a music post that contains at least one music video (there must be a music video). And that’s it! Each month, except December, we have a guest conductor. Today as far as I know its on...


                                 I think my pain killers are too strong!!! YA THINK???   Powered by Linky Tools Click here  to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list...


  Who are the Music Moves Me bloggers? They are bloggers who blog about music each Monday and if you have music to share, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only-meaning at least one music video, please!) First, there is Marie from XmasDolly. Her co-hosts are: Stacy from Stacy Uncorked, Cathy from Curious as a Cathy, Alana from Ramblin’ with AM, and introducing once again SANDEE from COMEDY PLUS!  WELCOME! We’d love more music lovers to join us & it’s easy too!  All you have to do is add your link with a music post that contains at least one music video (must be a music video), and that’s it! Each month, except December that's reserved for Santa.   All you have to do is add your link with a music post that contains at least one music video (there must be a music video). And that’s it! Each month, except December, we have a guest conductor. Today as far as I know its one of our favorite followers… so will find out next week who it is. Today is a freeb...

WORDLESS WEDNESDAY!!! My "favorite" day!

MOM & DAD (I miss you soooo much!!!  OMG!!!  THEY'RE FOLLOWING ME AGAIN!!!  NO!  NO!  NO!  NO FENDER BENDER!!!  :) Is this not the cutest picture ever.  My eldest daughter & her baby boy!  Okay, back to business..... HELLO EVERYBODY!!!!  AREN'T I JUST TOOO, TOOO GORGEOUS!!!  :) SENDING KISSES & H UGS!!!  BWAHAHAHA And one pic just for you Dave!!!!  BWAHAHAHAHA HAVE A GREAT DAY EVERYONE!!!  HOPE I PUT A SMILE ON YA!!!   Powered by Linky Tools Click here  to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list...

Monday's Music Moves Me!!

  Who are the Music Moves Me bloggers? They are bloggers who blog about music each Monday and if you have music to share, you are most welcome to join! (Music Posts Only-meaning at least one music video, please!) First, there is Marie from XmasDolly. Her co-hosts are: Stacy from Stacy Uncorked, Cathy from Curious as a Cathy, and Alana from Ramblin’ with AM. We’d love more music lovers to join us & it’s easy too!  All you have to do is add your link with a music post that contains at least one music video (must be a music video), and that’s it! Each month, except December, we have a guest conductor, I would like to say that our Mrs. Cathy will not be with us for a while because she's taking some time off... God bless her!  She can use a little time right now as you all know her Father passed... May he rest in peace!   All you have to do is add your link with a music post that contains at least one music video (there must be a music video). And that’s it! Each...


Wordless Wednesday! SORRY I'M LATE!                                                WW is a simple blog post featuring a photo which conveys a message that speaks for itself without using words. For all the rule breakers, of which I am one, please feel free to add all the words you want. Make sure you leave…         Okay, let’s get the show on the road waddya say?!    Powered by Linky Tools Click here  to enter your link and view this Linky Tools list...